Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Classic Giant Chess

The universally accepted style for tournament chess sets is the Staunton design pieces. This design often called as classic chess pieces. Why? Because time after time when chess game to be one of universal game, this design is always used and not changed. Only as time went, there has been many models and designs of other chess pieces. But some people still like and maintain this kind of chess model, the classic chess.

Only, to make it a little different and can be used for anything else other than to play chess, we make it in giant size. Just like in the picture above. The purpose of this giant chess beside for outdoor chess pieces, the giant chess classic can also be used for house decoration. Consider about their large size. It would be so nice and unique if you put them at your patio area or other house corner as one of your house decoration. You wanna try? Order it now!

For more info, please visit